Performing arts video trailer

A video trailer is an effective outreach tool to showcase your talents as a performing artist and helps you attract a larger audience to your show. A study by the US National Endowment for the Arts found that people who engage with the arts through electronic media are nearly three times more likely to attend live arts performances. They also, on average, attended twice as many live arts events as non media participants. Video also gives your potential donors or grantees the opportunity to see the heart and soul you pour into your performances, and shows the passion and commitment that fuels your work.

I made this promotional video for Caja’s Children’s Stories. The video features actress and storyteller Caja van der Poel, who tells magical fairy tales to young children.

tasfilms works together with photographer Wilmar Dik of You can check out his performing arts photography portfolio here. If you’re interested in using both photography and videography in your communications, let me know and we can discuss the options.