Testimonial video

A testimonial video is a powerful tool to strengthen the brand of your organization. It’s different from a corporate video in that it tells your story from the perspective of your client. Testimonials strengthen your credibility and reputation by showing the trust that your clients have in your business.

A strong testimonial video:

  • shows the situation of your client before they started working with you. It illustrates the problems the client was dealing with,
  • lets the client talk about why they chose your organization to solve their problem,
  • illustrates how your organization provided the solution,
  • shows what the client likes about working with your organization.

I made this video for J&C Advies, a Dutch consultancy that helps aspiring entrepreneurs start up their business.  The consultants at J&C Advies have adopted an informal, personal and honest approach towards their clients. The informal style, graphics and music used in the video illustrates this brand identity.

Thinking of using a testimonial video as part of your marketing strategy? Contact me!